Dr Furhman recommends a diet rich in micro-nutrients and fiber, highlighted with foods such as colorful plant foods, greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. His acronym for these superfoods is “G-BOMBS: THE TOP 6 CANCER-FIGHTING FOODS.”

Contains only 100 calories per pound. They give sustenance , minerals, vitamins and energy and often have more proteins than meat. They supply a large amount of fiber that aids digestive organs and less stress for the heart. Just be careful to wash well if not grown organically.
Include eating a cup of fresh berries everyday in your diet. You can choose from a wide variety of coloful berries: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and indian gooseberries. They are linked to reducing risks of diabetes, cancer and dementia. They are also richer in vitamin C than oranges, lemons and limes. They are more fibrous and less acidic in nature. They taste great in shakes and good as a drink or desert.

Eat everyday. Use with your minced garlic and tomatoes to saute all other foods. Use olive oil or coconut oil for your saute. You may eat raw with your greens as garnishing and give a flavorful kick to any meat dish. You can also add daily to your omelette. Onions and scallions contain organosulfate compounds, which target cancer cells.
Magic Mushrooms, just the size of the thumb of cooked edible mushrooms everyday can lower risk of breast cancer for women by 64%, according to a study done. The antibiotics penicillin and streptomycin were derived from fungi and mushrooms can treat ordinary skin diseases to pandemic disease AIDS. Scientific studies will be discussed in later journals.
In the research study by Dr. Joel Furhman, he said that eating half a cup of beans everyday also reduced the risk of cancer for men and women. This was published in a research material in Nurses Health Study.”
The category includes flax, hemp, chia and sunflower seeds as well as nuts. Both seeds and nute supply micronutrients, including plant sterols that reduce cholesterol levels and fight heart disease. Eat an ounce a day of nuts and seeds. Combine with your salads or shakes.
Dr. Joel Furhman, a researcher, board-certified physician in the United States and a New York Times best-selling author has spent two decades studying the science of nutrition. In his practice and in his best selling books, he takes a food-based approach to obesity and chronic disease. His works show that by starting on a plant nutrient rich diet, the signs of aging can be reversed and cognitive functions improved, even after years of eating a “Standard American Diet.”
Book: EAT FOR LIFE : The Breakthrough Nutrient-Rich Program for Longevity, Disease Reversal,
and Sustained weight Loss . By Joel Fuhrman, MD
Written by: Lourdes Hizon – Guevara