Why do clients fall off after posting their progress on social media?


Why do clients fall off THEIR FITNESS JOURNEY  after posting their progress on social media?

After a couple of years in the fitness industry, this is my observation whenever a client posts their progress on IG or FB or wherever. Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to be proud of what you achieved. Besides, you can’t cheat yourself into having a better and more optimized body. You’d have to do the work. So be proud and use it to inspire others to do the same as well! 

Going back to the topic.. So why do they stop? Why do we stop whenever we achieve our goals? Why do we stop AFTER the beach trip? The competition? After achieving our goal weight? Why do we fall off so quickly? It’s because we lost the reason to continue. And that, is the ultimate cause. 



We must plan ahead. What do you want to achieve in 10 years time? In 5 years time? 3 years? 1 year? Write it down! Create more reasons to continue. Success is both the process and the outcome. Our goal is to stay on the path. 

It’s okay to celebrate your small wins once in a while… but don’t drown in it. As Jordan Peterson would say, “Don’t get stuck in the past”. Every single day is just waiting to be conquered. There’s much to learn, there’s much to achieve. Don’t settle with what you have and what you know. There’s more to it and it’s up to you to find out! 

Happiness is elusive. It seems that the best way to enjoy life is to wrap up one goal and simultaneously begin work on the next one. It’s dangerous to linger too long at the table of success, The only way to enjoy another meal is to get good and hungry. – Jim Rohn



Some of the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon with certain baggage. They returned with deep emotional problems. And the reason is because once you’ve been to the moon, where else do you go? After years of studying, training and visualizing that expedition, in that moment, that was all gone. All of a sudden there seemed to be an end, a finish to their life’s work, and depression set in. 
– 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness



Let us know if you have any questions or comments! We’re more than willing to help you plan for your long term goals. Keep on huntin’ & stay wild! 





This 5 minute read is supposed to prepare you and not scare you from what’s to come if you join the Spartan Race. But before anything else, we should not discount the fact that we’re still in the midst of the global pandemic so join the race at your own risk! Be sure to get vaccinated and ISOLATE YOURSELF AFTER the said event. 

Personally, in order to live to the fullest, we must surround ourselves with certain challenges. And this certain challenge will push you to your limits; emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Here’s the 8 things you should do before joining:

 1. EDucate yourself firsT 

This is not your typical fun run or 10k race. It’s longest distance is a half marathon race jampacked with lots of obstacles! There are three categories for this race; 1. Sprint (5k, 20 obstacles), 2. Super (10k, 20 obstacles), and 3. Beast (21k, 30 obstacles). 

If you’re a beginner and you still love yourself, please… start with the 5k. 

2. hydrate hydrate hydrate

 It’s important to note that you’re gonna be moving and doing something straight for 3 to 5 hours. Stock up on the electrolytes and hydrate at least 3 days before the race. You wouldn’t want to have cramps and soil the whole experience right


 3. NO NEED FOR FANCY GEAR, dress for comfort

 Don’t wear your expensive Under Armour shirt or your limited edition Nike Adidas yadda yadda. Everything will be covered in mud after. Dress for comfort. Wear long socks or breathable leggings (to minimize leg burns from rope climbing obstacles).   


 4. Choose your footwear wisely 

During my trip, I only brought 2 pairs of shoes. One for working out, and one for walking (sneakers basically). I tried running with the workout shoes but it just gave me foot pain so I had to use my sneakers instead. Little did I know that there would be a mini-hike in the trail. It was so hard for me to climb up because my footwear didn’t have any grip. Invest in good running shoes with decent grip soles. 


I wasn’t really a fan of running or jogging. During my regular training, I usually just skipped this one out. But hey! Preparing for the race, I had to run miles and miles so that I wouldn’t die running the 12 mile race. I realized that it’s a good skill to have. Running keeps you lean, gives you the runner’s high, and keeps you from trouble! 



If you’re not running, you are usually pulling. Most of the obstacles require you to get over tall walls that require you to pull yourself from one side to the other, monkey bars with crazy hard variations, lateral wall climbs, and vertical rope climbs. To make the most out of these obstacles, don’t skip on the pull ups! Do additional grip training and stay lean. If you don’t, prepare to do a lot of burpees! 



There are obstacles that are just… impossible. You can try, but you know your body better than I do. So if you’re not doing the race competitively, just do the burpees or the additional penalty loop. It’s okay! It’s not worth getting injured for. Just do your best! 



You can go lone wolf but it’s safer to do it with your friends especially if it’s your first try. There are lots of times wherein it was really hard. There were times that I thought of giving up because my legs were literally shutting down! I don’t know if I would have finished the 21k death march without my team. 



We might be able to help you one way or another to prepare for it. That’s it for the 8 things you must do before you take on the challenge. May the Spartan Gods be forever in your favor!

DAY 28.2: The New Superfoods


This playbook on Superfoods is not complete without stressing the humongous importance of the most underutilized, ever available and often taken for granted giant of all the nut world. Maybe because it grows in abundance mostly in underdeveloped and warm countries, so that its food and drink values, potent protein, meaty plant substitute and its medicinal qualities have not been studied or appreciated much.

Today, scientists, doctors and researchers have derived a number of studies showing the great food, drink and medicinal purposes of this wonder superfood.

These are 10 benefits of Coconut Oil:

  1. Boost in Good Cholesterol
  2. Good for Blood Sugar and Diabetes
  3. Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimers Disease
  4. Helps Stop Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
  5. Aids in Liver Health
  6. Boosts Energy
  7. Aids in Digestion
  8. Acts as a Salve for Wounds and Burns
  9. Acts as an Anti-aging Component
  10. Helps with Weight Loss

The coconut meat is especially high in manganese, which is essential for bone health and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol. They are also rich in copper and iron, which help form red blood cells, as well as selenium, an important antioxidant that protects cells.

The juice derived from the coconut acts as a digestive. It helps in quick digestion and prevents bloating after meals. Regular consumption of coconut water also helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body and thus, keeps blood pressure in control and improves digestive functions.

THE SCIENCE: Ways to Take Coconut Oil Especially for Weight Loss

“Coconut oil also can help with weight loss, as it acts as a fat burner and a calorie burner, especially with doses of unrefined coconut oil. It also acts as an appetite suppressant. One study shows that the caprylic acid in coconut oil helps boost thyroid performance, which in turn reduces a body’s resting heart rate and aids in burning fat for an increased energy boost.

Best to start just with limiting your daily intake of coconut oil to two tablespoons (30 ml) that should leave enough room in your diet for additional fat nutrients, like nuts, olive oil, and some fruits.” Use coconut oil in baking, frying or simply adding a tablespoon in your coffee or tea.

Reference: “ Ways to Take Coconut Oil “ Written by Brian O’ Connell

Written by: Loudette Hizon Guevara

DAY 28: The New Superfoods


Mushrooms are often called the new white meat. In ancient times, they were believed to promote stamina and longevity. Maybe because of the protein packed quality and because this fungi has medicinal purposes that can prolong life. The modern world has used mushrooms as sources for potent antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin. In today’s healthcare, the magic mushrooms have been used for treating everything from ordinary skin diseases to even curing AIDS and cancer prevention.

The magic lies in the mushrooms antioxidant properties. It is anti-cholesterol, anti-allergic, anti-tumor and anticancer properties. Edible mushrooms fight hypertension, inflammation, liver disease and diabetes. They also accelerate weight loss because it revs up metabolism while inhibiting the absorption of fat and carbohydrates. They are packed with protein with almost no caloric content. Eat more mushrooms for lesser weight.

These delectable mushrooms can be eaten with your breakfast omelettes, as topping on your almond biscuits and cheese bites, as appetizers and salad toppers, a delightfully warm creamy soup or simply dinner garnished with vegetables. Try using mushrooms as the main entree with steak cubes as garnishing instead of the usual mushroom bits on your gravy steak sauce.

White Button

These mushrooms have selenium which aids weight loss but also found to have good effects against prostrate cancer.


Aside from having the carbohydrate that stokes metabolism and maintais blood sugar levels like the white buttons, they have higher protein content.


These umbrella shaped brownish mushrooms have the highest cancer-preventing properties than others. They contain lentinan, a natural antitumor compound.


These are the “therapeutic” mushrooms that contain beta-glucans. They have several anticancer functions such as stimulating production of white blood cells, that is critical for patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy. They also reduce unpleasant side effects of treatment like nausea, fatigue and immune suppression.


These whitish fan-shaped oyster mushrooms have quite high in anti-oxidant compounds. They are being studied as defense against HIV and as medicinal prevention against colon and breast cancers.


These elongated shaped mushrooms are good to enhance exercise performance. Supplement or health products with cordyceps extract are popular for their ability to render energy to the muscles. Elderly traditionally use cordiceps to reduce fatigue, boost energy and sex drive.


An anti-inflammatory agent and may also decrease the symptoms of asthma. They are also chunkier like the portobello and good as meat subtitutes with lesser calories and more protein.


These orange-red and brown fungi contains gandodermic acid, which helps reduce cholesterol and lower high blood pressure. It is good for heart protection with an anti-inflammatory function. It is linked to longevity for its immune function and ability to enhance mental clarity.


Sometimes called the “Baby Bellas.” They are firmer and flavorful than white buttons. They have same weight loss benefits and good sources of Vitamins B6 and B12.

THE SCIENCE: How To Identify Poisonous Mushrooms

“ Every mushroom expert repeats the same mantra: “ Never eat a mushroom unless you can positively identify it.” Identification is not easy. There are 14,000 species worldwide.

The genus Amanita is a case in point. It includes the poisonous Destroying Angel ( Amanita virosa), the delicious Caesar’s mushroom ( Amanita caesera) and the hallucinogenic Fly Amanita or toadstool (Amanita muscaria). Identification includes not just appearance, but also the location, season and growing conditions. Mushrooms with white gills are often poisonous. So are those with a ring around the stem and those with a volva. Because the volva is often underground, it is important to dig around the base of a mushroom to look for it. Mushrooms with a red color on the cap or stem are also either poisonous or strongly hallucinogenic. The most notorious red-colored mushroom is the Amanita muscaria.


  • MycoKey: Welcome to the MycoKey MMI.
  • Aris Mycropia: Mushrooms
  • US Department of Agriculture: Field Guide to Common Macrofungi in Eastern Forests and Their Ecosystem Funcions.

“ How to Identify Poisonous Mushrooms, “ Author Chris Deziel , Masters of Humanities, writing
and offering information online on scientific, cultural and practical topics.

Written by: Loudette Hizon Guevara

DAY 27: The New Superfoods


Cheeses are quite healthy as it is delicious! Studies done showed that cheese lowered bad cholesterol levels and cut the risk of heart disease. These cheeses are all outstanding sources of calcium, which protects against osteoporosis as well as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

They have plenty of protein, that helps regulate blood sugar levels and helps build lean muscle. But there are many kinds of cheeses. The great news is that some of the better kinds with the most healthy and nutritional benefits happen to be the commonly loved ones even with kids. So take out your rolling pin and roll out those dough using almond flour, coconut flour or grated cauliflower, garnish with olive oil, add all your favorite meats and veggies and sprinkle with all these full flavored, mighty, cheesy goodness.

Mozzarella – The pizza topper is also topmost among the better cheeses. Only 1.5 ounces of this delicious melt have 333 milligrams of calcium, which is the highest of all types of cheese.

Gruyere – This aged cheese is rich in butyrate, a fatty acid effective to ward off obesity and to reduce the risk of a type 2 diabetes.

Pecorino Romano – This is made from sheep’s milk and has three to five times the conjugated linoleic acid or CLA found in cow’s cheese. CLA is helpful in reducing body fat, preserving muscle and improving bone density.

Parmesan – Another aged cheese is a protein champion from the world of cheeses. It packs 10 grams per ounce while most cheeses only average six grams per ounce.

Goat – If you are lactose-sensitive, then goat cheese is more digestible and allergenic than other kinds of cheeses, since studies show that it is more similar to human milk than cow’s milk.

Feta – The biting, tangy and tasty Greek cheese favorite is much lower in calories of only 75 per ounce. Thus, it is good for weight control.

Cottage Cheese – Fresh and mild. This milk-curd ranks highest with dieters due to its high protein and low- calorie ratio. Best also for breakfast or dinner appetizers.

Ricotta – Light and creamy. A fresh and unripened formaggio with plenty of protein. This is so great for spreading on almond flour breads and put in between sheets of spinach semolina lasagna.

THE SCIENCE: Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy

“ Some people have problems digesting milk. Milk allergy is an adverse reaction to one or more proteins in milk, whereas lactose intolerance is the inability to break down the lactose molecule. These conditions are definitely not the same: allergy or hypersensitivity, is mediated by the immune system, and intolerance is not.

Cow’s milk proteins are the initial foreign proteins fed to many infants, and may provoke an allergic reaction in the immature digestive system. About 2.5 % of children have milk allergy, but most of them outgrow it by age three. It is rare in adults. To determine the presence of milk allergy or any dietary allergy, the suspected food is eliminated from the diet.

If symptoms disappear, the food may be given in gradually increasing amounts until symptoms reappear, thus giving a range in which food may be consumed without adverse effects. Lactose intolerance affects far more people- roughly 65 percent of the world’s population. The others are termed lactose persistent, because they retain the lactase enzyme that splits the lactose molecule into glucose and galactose. Lactose cannot be absorbed by the body unless this split occurs in the small intestine.

If lactase is not present, the lactose moves to the large intestine where bacteria metabolize it, generating uncomfortable gas in the form of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. The lactose also draws water from the intestinal wall causing diarrhea.”

The Science of Cheese. Book by Michael H. Tunick, published by Oxford University Press, pg. 16 On the Other Uses of Milk ( for the processing of cheeses) and pg 17 on Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy.”

Written by: Loudette Hizon Guevara

DAY 26: The New Superfoods


Disney Pictures have cartoonized these wonderful shellfish superfoods in such a manner that they have been classified as adorable pets and human companions, that kids find it difficult to eat them or scrumptiously devour dozens in a seating.  In the same manner we try to forget that the smoked bacon from the committed pig,  we also simply close our eyes to eat sea-shells, clams, shrimps and crustacean crabs, not because they are selfless and unbearable to eat but because they are so good to the last bite. 

These succulent seafoods are ultra-healthy and very flavorful that we forget we are on a diet or on a sacrifice mode especially during an abstinence during Lenten season. Unless you have an allergy on crustaceans, these are your super delicious superfoods. 

There are two groups of crustaceans:  shrimps, lobsters and a variety of crabs and the mollusks that are the oysters, clams, mussels and scallops.  All are dense in nutrient, packed with high quality protein omega 3’s and with zero saturated fat and very little calories.

When you eat twelve (12) ounces of shellfish or twelve (12)  pieces of shrimps or clams, then you get more than twelve kinds of proteins and minerals: Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, EPA, Vitamins B12, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Iron, DV or vitamin D, Choline, etc. 

These healthy proteins and mono and polyunsaturated fats ( the good fats )  and fiber sea goodness has less calories than any lean meat and  poultry.  They are good to lessen risk for heart diseases, improves brain functions, lower BMI, lessen inflammatory diseases and susceptibility to virus and bacteria and helps speed metabolism.

Written by: Loudette Hizon Guevara

DAY 25: The New Superfoods


Locally Available Fishes:  Lapu-Lapu, Bangus, Hito, Tuna, Tanigue, Pampano , & Sardines 

Other Fishes :  Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Codfish, Fish roe, Mackerel, & Herring

There are so many fun fishes to eat.  They are not only tender, juicy, tasty and flavorful but also packed with so much vitamins, minerals, proteins and pure nutritional goodness. 

Fishes have attained one of the highest superfood status due to its high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, that protect the brains and the heart. 

The omega 3’s are the long chain type, comprised of the DHA and EPA, both directly impacts the brain. DHA has been shown in studies to improve focus and memory, while EPA, could be likened to a Prozac, which is documented to improve mood and ease deppression.

Wild – caught fishes are better than raised ones because of the lesser contaminants and feeds given.

So bake it with lemon and butter, poach  it with pepper and your favorite arugula, basil or rosemary and thyme, saute with rich spices like oregano and turmeric , or steam it with vegetables and fruits, or even smoke or grill it once in awhile… These are the best nutricious , delicious and highly digestible great  brain and heart superfoods.

Written by: Loudette Hizon Guevara

DAY 20: The New Superfoods – SEEDS


These tiny flavorful snacks , garnishing or grain-like food comes packed with fiber, protein and healthy fats. They can replace your grains, wheat and glutenous staple food. It is a wonder that these seeds are the main food of birds that flap their wings relentlessly for hours and fly miles across the skies. Add to every meal, salad or simply make a healthy heavy breakfast without much calories or sugar.


Chia Seeds

These are like diet pills. One single seed can absorb nine times its weight in liquid. They expand in the stomache, making us full.They also form a gel in the GI tract that helps to slow the rate of glucose absorption which is good for people with blood sugar issues. It is a fiber and
rich in omega 3’s. It is also a complete protein, meaning it has all nine essential amino acids. Great for smoothies, breakfast puddings or try making with berries for a hearty jam.

Flax Seeds

Best plant source for omega 3 fatty acids. Studies show that people who consume these alpha-linolenic acids (ALAs), a predominant omega 3 in flax seeds have substantially less risk of heart attack and stroke. Flax seeds also contain 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. Lignans, which have both plant estrogen and anitooxidant qualities, are proven to help lower risk of cancer especially breast cancer. Eaten as seeds or crushed for its flax oils.

Hemp Seeds

The mild nutty-flavored seeds are a complete protein source and great for people who work out in the gym but want to avoid animal protein. They also have omega- 3 fatty acids which promote cardiovascular health and improve mood. They come from the same plant species as marijuana but are no longer banned from cultivation in the US. They are good to put on shakes and smoothies.

Mustard Seeds

The tiny seeds from which mustard is made comes from a huge tree. Its medicinal uses dates back to olden times. Today, science shows that these seeds have cancer – fighting compounds, including glucosinolate sinigrin, and minerals such as magnesium and selenium, which reduces risk of heart disease. Both seed and its greens provide high percent of vitamin K, a key factor in bone health and blood coagulation.
Pumpkin Seeds – A healthy snack that gives vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron and Vitamin E. They are high in protein and fiber too. Zinc can stabilize hormone levels for women and fight enlarged prostrate in men. Pumpkin kernels are also high in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body convert serotonin into melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. Kiss your insomnia goodbye and welcome sweet dreams.

Sesame Seeds

An anti-aging seed with the highest concentration of cholesterol-lowering phytosterols. Because phytosterols are structurally similar to the body’s cholesterol, when they are eaten they compete with cholesterol for absorption in the digestive system. As a result, cholesterol absorption is blocked and blood cholesterol levels reduced. They also have
phytochemicals that rev up the body’s ability to burn fat, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. The Chinese have discovered this healthy seeds and oils and pour this aromatic oil in most of their broths and meals.

Sunflower Seeds

These seeds are also high with phytosterols, sunflower seeds are a nutrient powerhouse with a tough exterior. They are great source of vitamin E, an anti-oxidant and magnesium and selenium. They can be eaten toasted , roasted and crushed for their oils.

Written by: Lourdes Hizon – Guevara

DAY 19: The New Superfoods – NUTS


When the going gets tough… Then the tough gets going for NUTS. When you feel like taking a short break in whatever you are doing, pop some of these flavorful and crunchy taste in your mouth and they automatically boost your thinking. All kinds of these wonderful superfoods supply a lot of protein , energy, healthy fats and omega 3’s. They are also called brain foods. Studies show that nuts have riboflavin, L-carnitine, nutrients that can increase cognitive activity and create new neural pathways. They are believed to help ward off Alzheimer’s. For people who want to lose weight, these small bite-size pecks curb your appetite for hours and yet give you enough protein and fats in small dozes. It is a wonder that these small bites come from huge trees.



These are natural weight loss pill. They are loaded with protein and healthy fats that curb appetite. They have an amino acid L-arginine helps burn more fats and carbs especially during workouts. As a substitute for grain , wheat or white flour, almonds really taste great.

Brazil Nuts

Roasted, salted or crushed , these brazil nuts are number one superfoods to prevent arthritis. The antioxidant mineral Selenium is the key ingredient in their inflammation fighting arsenal, preventing arthritis from attacking the joint tissues.


While lower in fiber than most nuts, these are valued for their heart-healthy fats. A serving has lower carbs than high carb potato chips fried in transfat oils.


Chestnuts roasting in an open fire are the favorite Christmas carols especially for heart-healthy dieters. Their rich taste and high fiber content helps curb hunger and cravings, and reduce the appetite for huge meals especially if taken before dinner. Chestnuts mixed with aromatic herbs are also great for turkey or chicken stuffing. The taste is incredibly delicious.


Most macadamia nuts come from the Australian rainforests. They are 75% fat rich but offer extensive heart health benefits. Studies show that diets high in macadamia nuts can lower both cholesterol and unhealthy triglyceride levels. They also have the lowest inflammatory omega 6 acids of all the nuts.


Jam packed with monounsaturated fats, the type that is the mainstay of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, peanuts are one of the most perennially available and favorite snack. A study in the Journal of American College of Nutrition showed that peanuts and peanut butter decreased risk for cardiovascular disease.


These tree nuts grow naturally in North America, together with chestnuts and walnuts. They deliver the highest antioxidants of all edible nuts. They can protect the heart, brain, support weight loss and slow aging. They deliver monounsaturated fats, such as oleic acids, which reduce
the risk of heart disease.


Pistachios are packed with protein and healthy fats that are good for the heart and brain. Though they are relatively high in calories, they also have potassium, which helps keep muscles from getting fatigued during exercise.


The ultimate brain food that may also lower cholesterol. Of all the tree nuts, walnuts have the most omega 3 fatty acids, a major player in improving mood while promoting sharper mental focus. Those omega 3’s along with the alpha-linolenic acid ( ALA ) , antioxidants and phytosterols- also work wonders for the cardiovascular system and the blood vessel functions.

Written by: Lourdes Hizon – Guevara


Albumin is a simple form of protein that is soluble in water and coagulable by heat, such as that found in egg white, milk and ( in particular) blood serum.

Human albumin functions as the most significant modulator of plasma oncotic pressure and functions to transport a variety of substances called ligands. Those ligands transported by serum albumin include endogenous ligands such as bilirubin, ions, fatty acids, and exogenous ligands as drugs. Good quality protein comes from meat: beef, turkey, lamb, pork, fish, chicken and most especially eggs; eggwhite in particular

The wonder egg can be eaten everyday as an omelette and spruce and garnish with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, cheese and whatever veggies you want for breakfast or dinner.

“ There are a number of egg labels such as “cage-free” that have minimum standards through USDA. Cage-free and eggs “ from free-roaming hens” are from hens that have access to food and water at all times and roam freely in a house. Free-range or pasture-fed hens must additionally have access to the outdoors. Like with organic labeling, USDA has minimum standards for each, but different certifying agencies such as Animal Welfare Approved may require additional standards.”